Thursday, August 20, 2009


She said:

Yeah yeah I know I know I know, I'm suppose to be the one that likes puzzle games in this relationship but to be honest I didn't get very far in this game.

I was very frustrated with the tutorial and I didn't get passed the 3rd one.

I can't believe how turned off the game made me by simply going through the tutorial. I was really excited about this game too, but not being able to make it pass the tutorial I didn't want to pick it up again.

I casted it away to Patrick and he had a hard time with the tutorial too but stuck it out and now he plays it all the time. I have seen him play it and yeah it looks like fun but I still am super turned off about it and even seeing Patrick happily playing it does not make want to play it.

If you guys can manage to get through the tutorial without being discouraged. Power to you because you will probably enjoy this game. But I'll have to say pass on buying it because there are a lot better puzzle games out there that won't frustrate you.

He said:

I really didn't know what to expect when Melody first presented me with this game. I had never heard of it before. My first impression were the bright red packaging, and the stick-figure like protagonist with a hat and tie. There is a Square-Enix logo on the back cover, so that did pique my interest.

It turns out it is a puzzle game, or more like a logic game. Although it did start out slow (those tutorial levels were kinda boring) it quickly became quite fun and interesting.

The story centers around a super hero type figure who saves people from dangerous situations and leads them to the exit (hence the name). Actually, he really doesn't have any super powers other than he can jump a little higher than normal people. I guess he's more like a concerned citizen who goes to the gym, rather than a super hero. Anyway, in order to rescue the people, you will have to push crates, use ropes and ladders, swim, put out fires, climb up and down ledges, and a myriad of other things. The trick is to do these things in the right order so that the people you rescue have a path to the exit.

In addition to that, there are different kinds of people you will rescue. There are fat people, normal sized people, children and dogs. Each type of person brings a different skill set and limitations to help you pass the level. For instance, fat people can push heavy crates by themselves, but need the help of two normal people to climb up a ledge if it is to high. The children can get into spaces too small for normal people, but need help up and down high ledges as well. Dogs can jump really far, but can't climb up ladders. You get the picture. In the later levels, the puzzles do become quite challenging, and you may end up restarting a level several time in order to figure out how to get all the people to the exit.

There are a few things that are a little annoying. First, the stylus control can be a bit frustrating. In order to move a person, you first tap on them, then you tap on the destination. If you want to move somewhere off screen, you have to pan the camera over. Sometimes I will tap on my character, pan the camera, and for some reason my character become unselected. Or, I won't be able to tell if they are selected because the indicator is off the top of the screen. In addition, if two people are on the same spot, tapping on them does not guarantee you will select the character you want.

Second, sometimes the logic of the game defies . . .logic. You will be thinking to yourself, "Oh, he should be able to move right there," only to find out the the game has decided that such a simple action is not possible. The game encourages you to have the character move on their own, but sometimes you will direct a character to move somewhere on his own, only to find out that some small crate that you can normally manually click over has blocked his progress. These little annoyance wouldn't be that big of a deal except the levels are timed, so you are constantly trying to move as fast as you can.

In the end, these and up being minor concerns, and the game itself is fun and challenging. It's a must have for any puzzle fan.

Breakdown :

She said : Nay
He said : Yea

If you want this game :

Amazon - Exit for the DS

Amazon - Exit for the PSP

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