Friday, August 14, 2009

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime

A surprising fun game.

She said :

Okay so I guess you guys have noticed that last Friday that Patrick wrote a review on his own since I didn’t play that game. Now we are pretty different people are there are some games he has played that I haven’t played and vice versa. So this week it’s my turn. I was thinking of making Fridays just one person’s review or an Anime review, we don’t have an Anime lined up right now because we haven’t been watching any and we really can’t pick from ones we have seen before since one of us has a good memory and the other one doesn’t.

I must say I didn't have high hopes for this game, because my brother bought this game at full price and played it the day he got it and I never saw him play it again.

I saw this game for sale at a local computer type store (I don't remember the name but I don't think it's a chain) for less than 7 bucks... well I am always willing to add to my DS collection even though my brother had it and I could probably borrow it for free.

Well I started playing it... and I loved it! I beat it over two weekends.

I called my brother that weekend and asked him if he ever finished the game, he said oh after playing it the first time he wanted to continue playing it but had no time. He will give it another try seeing how much I liked it.

If you like Zelda (very similar to the minish cap I think) I think you will like this game... though this game is a lot easier than Zelda, in the minish cap, I got to the final boss and wasn't able to get through the 3rd level of the boss and gave up, that didn't feel good. This game it's pretty easy to beat all the bosses and you get that warm I beat the game feeling.

This game has little replay value but there are a million games out there. No one game really needs replay value. Its fun for the whole family I think. My only real compliant is that it's too short!

He said :

Nothing to say... I might play it later though.

Breakdown :

She said : Yea
He said : ...

If you want this game :

Amazon : Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime

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