Sunday, June 28, 2009

Engagement Party

Remembered when I mentioned that wedding stuff might pop up once in a while? Well here we go. Haha.

Today is our engagement party. I'm sure like us you guys might be thinking... what the heck is an engagement party? Let me tell you we thought the same thing! Great minds do think alike. *nods*

So when we decided to get engaged last April (oh yeah there was really no proposal and stuff, that's a story for another day though), and we told our parents about our choice, my mother was excited (I'm her only daughter, I have one older brother) and she said let's have an engagement party! I should note here she also offered to pay for it. Cool whatever.

I had no idea what that was. I have heard of a bridal shower... but that was about it. Anyways thank goodness for the internet. From my research an engagement party is usually a dinner where the bride's family and groom's family get to know each other and for the bridal party to be announce. Sounds small and simple. I like simple. ^_^ Plus our parents haven't met, I have met his parents and he has met my parents but our parents never met each other. Also most of our bridal party didn't know each other, me and Patrick decided to have 3 people each, one person from when we were young, one person from college and one person from after college.

We happened to mention to my mother on the day she thought having an engagement party that yeah that sounds good and since Patrick is half Filipino we can have it at a Filipino restaurant because lets face it our wedding will be mostly Chinese. My mother inquired about having a party there and called us basically the next day saying that it can hold 75 people. She said yeah that we probably won't need that much, she will only be inviting about 30 friends or so. Um... what? I thought this was suppose to be small and simple... close family and bridal party.

Um okay, let me tell you that I'm a pretty easy going person but I was worried that this would cost too much for my mother... but hey it is her money and she can do whatever she wants with it so whatever. Also this was all before me and Patrick actually did any wedding planning. Like one being making a guest list. So me and Patrick had to scramble to make a guest list and set a budget. I mean you can't have people at your engagement party that's not invited to the wedding right?

My mother was really insistent on booking the engagement party place. So we met up with her on a weekend and she showed us her list of invites.... 40 people! I probably should mention here that she failed to include me, Patrick, his family (his parent's where the only ones coming, his brothers couldn't make it) and our bridal party (and of course their SOs) which in total is another 15 people. So that made the number to 55. It seems the Filipino restaurant quoted us for 60 people and to be honest it was not a bad price the gave us. It was kind of sad we were unable to invite any other friends outside of our bridal party because of my mother outrageous list, thought granted half of those people were actually family.

So we are heading off today to go to an engagement party with 60+ people (yeah my mother started inviting more people!). I was a little worried that we wouldn't have enough food but we have cake so it should be fine. It should be fun. ^_^ Wish me luck!

I hope everyone out there is having fun too.

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